As we age our metabolism unfortunately slows down. That's the plain ugly truth.
But what is metabolism? Simply put, metabolism is the process of breaking down proteins, carbohydrates, and fats to yield the energy your body needs to maintain itself.
The rate of your metabolism depends on the interaction between the number of calories you consume, the number of calories you burn while eating and exercising, and the calories you burn based on your individual genetic makeup.
That being said we like to equate metabolism with weight loss. Although we can't turn back the clock -- and believe me I have tried -- there are some really great things we can do to rev up our metabolism!
In Praise of Strength Training
The payoff for all your sweating: Muscle works more efficiently than fat. Strength-training can help boost metabolism by as much as 10 percent in 12 weeks by rebuilding muscle. Even better... each extra pound of muscle you carry can burn up to 50 additional calories just to maintain itself -- and it does so without any extra effort on your part!
Eat Frequently Not Tremendously
Research out of Georgia State University shows that people who eat every 3 to 4 hours have less body fat and faster metabolisms than those who eat only 2 or 3 meals per day.
What’s that mean exactly? It doesn't mean munching mindlessly. You need to make healthy choices that include lean proteins, fiber and iron-enriched foods like wholesome vegetables. We’re not talking family style portions here. These are smaller more proactive meals vs. large meals that are overindulgent. Think about what you are eating before randomly eating it and make it have a point.
Water, Water Everywhere
The body needs lots of water to function properly. If you do not provide enough water the body goes into starvation mode and hoards what it has. This defensive process slows your metabolism.
So what are the recommended amounts for water intake? It's based on your weight as well as things like activity levels and possible medical conditions. A good rule of thumb: Divide your weight in half and drink that many ounces of water a day. Using this equation, a person who weighs 150 pounds would need at least 75 ounces of water daily. Feel Free to Move About The Cabin
Never sit when you can stand and never stand when you can walk.
Making movement choices throughout the day can help burn extra calories and get your metabolism out of a slump. So stop heading in the other direction of the stairs and start heading toward them.
The Surefire Cure For a Sluggish Metabolism...
Sorry... it doesn't exist. If it did one of my clients would have found it. While there are certain foods that can make a temporary minor impact, no food is the cure-all.
Some items of note that have had positive results are beverages that include caffeine. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant, so your daily java jolts can rev your metabolism 5-8% which translates into about 98 to 174 calories a day.
A cup of brewed tea can raise your metabolism by 12%, according to one Japanese study. Researchers believe the antioxidant catechins in tea provide the boost.
Genetic predisposition only equates to about 5% of our metabolism rate. That leaves a whopping 95% we have control over. Take charge and get your metabolism revving!
Be well & stay well.
Alicia is an American Council on Exercise Certified Personal Trainer and a Weight & Lifestyle Management consultant. The owner of Evolution Personal Training Inc. in New York is also the author of Oscar & Otis, Fat Fighters. For more information, visit
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Why Woman Need To Lift Weights
Weight training will not leave a woman looking like a muscular freak. When done properly, weight training wll help you slim down, tone up and get healthier!
Check out the 10 reasons you may want to put down that cell phone and pick up a weight.
10 Reasons Women NEED to Lift Weights
by Alicia Kirschenheiter
In the past few years there has been a barrage of information regarding the importance of strength training for woman, yet whenever I have introduced the idea to any of my female personal training clients, all but a few have looked at me like deer in headlights.
In general, women are still convinced that sticking to the cardio machines is the way to go. In this article, I want to address why as woman, we can no longer fear the weight rack.
1. You Will Lose Body Fat.
The average woman who strength trains two to three times a week for two months will gain nearly two pounds of muscle and will lose 3.5 pounds of fat. Yes I said it, that’s 3.5 pounds. Understand that as lean muscle increases so does your resting metabolism, and in turn you burn more calories all day long. Generally speaking, for each pound of muscle you gain, you burn 35 to 50 more calories each day. Building a higher metabolism is one of the key ingredients to help keep the weight off.
2. You Will Gain Strength Without Bulk.
This is one of my favorite questions: "Will I get big muscles?" Women typically don't gain size from strength training, simply because compared to men we lack the necessary hormones. And ladies let’s make it count! If you are not lifting enough weight to challenge yourself then your efforts may be in vain.
Face it, most of us carry bags that weigh more than the weights we are willing to pick up in the gym! So, do 12-15 repetitions and shoot for at least 2 sets twice a week. Remember by the last repetition you should be what I like to call, "comfortable exhausted," meaning you cannot do another repetition with compromising your form the weight has become too heavy.
3. You Will Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease.
More important than the first 2 reasons – OUR HEALTH is primary. To the surprise of many women, heart disease is our number one killer. Weight training has been noted to improve cardiovascular health in several ways, including lowering LDL ("bad") cholesterol, increasing HDL ("good") cholesterol and lowering blood pressure. When cardiovascular exercise is added, these benefits are maximized.
4. Reduce the Risk of Cancer.
The American Cancer Society estimates that one-third of all cancer deaths are related to nutrition and physical activity factors. Strength training increases your body’s overall development and efficiency. Need I say more?
5. You Will Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes.
Weight training may improve the way the body processes sugar, which may reduce the risk of diabetes. Adult-onset diabetes is a growing problem for women and men. Research indicates that weight training can increase glucose utilization in the body by 23 percent in four months.
6. You Will Reduce Your Risk Of Injury, Back Pain and Arthritis.
Strength training not only builds stronger muscles, but also builds stronger connective tissues and increases joint stability. This acts as reinforcement for the joints and helps prevent injury. Additionally studies have indicated that weight training can ease the pain of osteoarthritis and strengthen joints.
7. You Will Improve Your Attitude and Fight Depression.
Strength training can reduce clinical depression symptoms successfully. Women who strength train commonly report feeling more confident and capable as a result of their program, all important factors in fighting depression. Additionally, woman note feeling more energetic and sleeping better.
8. You Will Be Physically Stronger.
Increasing your strength will make you far less dependent upon others for assistance in daily living. And who doesn’t hate asking for help! Chores will be easier and lifting kids, groceries and laundry will no longer make you feel like you have run the miracle mile. If your maximum strength is increased, daily tasks and routine exercise will be far less likely to cause injury and frankly exhaustion.
9. It Is Never Too Late To Benefit.
Women at any age can begin strength training. Women in their 70s and 80s have built up significant strength through weight training. My recommendation: Seek a professional before starting to help give you direction, perfect your form and get you on a plan to great improvements.
10. Strength Training Will Help You Reach the Long Lean Look You Desire.
And, more importantly, strength graining will help you keep this long lean look once you reach your goal. Development of muscle tone, definition and decreased body fat are all benefits of adding a strength training routine.
People have asked me why I am so passionate about wellness initiatives. The best answer I can give them is that I am not afraid of dying but I am terrified of being sick. If there are things within our power to stave that off then I believe we should do all we can.
Be well & stay well.
Check out the 10 reasons you may want to put down that cell phone and pick up a weight.
10 Reasons Women NEED to Lift Weights
by Alicia Kirschenheiter
In the past few years there has been a barrage of information regarding the importance of strength training for woman, yet whenever I have introduced the idea to any of my female personal training clients, all but a few have looked at me like deer in headlights.
In general, women are still convinced that sticking to the cardio machines is the way to go. In this article, I want to address why as woman, we can no longer fear the weight rack.
1. You Will Lose Body Fat.
The average woman who strength trains two to three times a week for two months will gain nearly two pounds of muscle and will lose 3.5 pounds of fat. Yes I said it, that’s 3.5 pounds. Understand that as lean muscle increases so does your resting metabolism, and in turn you burn more calories all day long. Generally speaking, for each pound of muscle you gain, you burn 35 to 50 more calories each day. Building a higher metabolism is one of the key ingredients to help keep the weight off.
2. You Will Gain Strength Without Bulk.
This is one of my favorite questions: "Will I get big muscles?" Women typically don't gain size from strength training, simply because compared to men we lack the necessary hormones. And ladies let’s make it count! If you are not lifting enough weight to challenge yourself then your efforts may be in vain.
Face it, most of us carry bags that weigh more than the weights we are willing to pick up in the gym! So, do 12-15 repetitions and shoot for at least 2 sets twice a week. Remember by the last repetition you should be what I like to call, "comfortable exhausted," meaning you cannot do another repetition with compromising your form the weight has become too heavy.
3. You Will Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease.
More important than the first 2 reasons – OUR HEALTH is primary. To the surprise of many women, heart disease is our number one killer. Weight training has been noted to improve cardiovascular health in several ways, including lowering LDL ("bad") cholesterol, increasing HDL ("good") cholesterol and lowering blood pressure. When cardiovascular exercise is added, these benefits are maximized.
4. Reduce the Risk of Cancer.
The American Cancer Society estimates that one-third of all cancer deaths are related to nutrition and physical activity factors. Strength training increases your body’s overall development and efficiency. Need I say more?
5. You Will Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes.
Weight training may improve the way the body processes sugar, which may reduce the risk of diabetes. Adult-onset diabetes is a growing problem for women and men. Research indicates that weight training can increase glucose utilization in the body by 23 percent in four months.
6. You Will Reduce Your Risk Of Injury, Back Pain and Arthritis.
Strength training not only builds stronger muscles, but also builds stronger connective tissues and increases joint stability. This acts as reinforcement for the joints and helps prevent injury. Additionally studies have indicated that weight training can ease the pain of osteoarthritis and strengthen joints.
7. You Will Improve Your Attitude and Fight Depression.
Strength training can reduce clinical depression symptoms successfully. Women who strength train commonly report feeling more confident and capable as a result of their program, all important factors in fighting depression. Additionally, woman note feeling more energetic and sleeping better.
8. You Will Be Physically Stronger.
Increasing your strength will make you far less dependent upon others for assistance in daily living. And who doesn’t hate asking for help! Chores will be easier and lifting kids, groceries and laundry will no longer make you feel like you have run the miracle mile. If your maximum strength is increased, daily tasks and routine exercise will be far less likely to cause injury and frankly exhaustion.
9. It Is Never Too Late To Benefit.
Women at any age can begin strength training. Women in their 70s and 80s have built up significant strength through weight training. My recommendation: Seek a professional before starting to help give you direction, perfect your form and get you on a plan to great improvements.
10. Strength Training Will Help You Reach the Long Lean Look You Desire.
And, more importantly, strength graining will help you keep this long lean look once you reach your goal. Development of muscle tone, definition and decreased body fat are all benefits of adding a strength training routine.
People have asked me why I am so passionate about wellness initiatives. The best answer I can give them is that I am not afraid of dying but I am terrified of being sick. If there are things within our power to stave that off then I believe we should do all we can.
Be well & stay well.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Evolution Top 5 Diet Myths
Evolutions Top Five Diet Myths on
The Top 5 Diet Myths
The word "diet" in and of itself has become a bad word. In truth, the word diet very simply means what we consume. With that being said, there are so many weight loss diets, tips, secrets, potions, programs and surefire concoctions out there that it’s hard to know when something may genuinely aid weight loss or is truly wishful thinking.
Here are some of my top great “diet” myths.
#1 Weight Loss is Complex
As my mom, and probably everyone else’s mom, has told them – “If something looks too good to be true, then it probably is.” Weight loss is not rocket science or akin to splitting the atom. Never let anyone tell you that it is this complex formula that can only be understood by some individuals on the 4th day of every month and only when the moon is full.
The true hard fact is that weight loss is only achieved in two ways: By consuming less (food, calorie containing beverages, etc.) or by outputting more (increased activity and exercise). That’s it.
Standing on your left foot while eating lemons will not make you lose 5 pounds overnight; jumping up and down before bed will not shake 3 pounds loose. You've got to eat less and or be more active. That’s the big secret!
#2 Everyone Can Be The Biggest Loser
Where to start… Although The Biggest Loser is a great show and I too am a fan (love Jillian), every person who needs to lose weight cannot drop 40 pounds in a week. The people on these shows have access to all sorts of things the average Joe does not.
Keep in perspective that the contestants give up their lives (their jobs, their families their hobbies) and do nothing but train, exercise and participate in some sort of activity for a good part of all hours of the day, every day… no exception. Not to mention the dietary changes that are instilled by on-site and on-call dietitians, nutritionists and countless other professionals.
The professional recommended weight loss for individuals is between 1-2 pounds per week. Not nearly as riveting as 40 pounds I know, and far less exciting to watch, but given that most of us cannot vacate our lives for 3 months to become healthier, much more doable.
#3 You Will Never Need Math in Your Life
Remember when you were in grammar school and you thought, “Oh c’mon, I am never going to use this stuff…” Well it’s true, you will need basic math to lose weight and here’s why.
Weight loss equates to calorie expenditure or reduction (see myth #1). Basically, in order to lose 1 pound of weight, you will need to cut back or expend 3,500 additional calories.
So here’s where the math comes in. You will need to assess how many calories you are consuming daily using your products dietary guidelines.
My suggestion is to chart your food for no less than 1 week. Write everything down you consume and then calculate the calories associated. Make no changes for the first week. After that then you can look at where you can make changes objectively.
For example, if I consume 3,300 calories a day and want to lose 5 pounds in 1 month then I need to reduce my calories by 750 each day. (3,300 calories consumed each day x 7 days = 23,100 calories consumed in 1 week. Remember 3,500 calories is needed to lose 1 pound per week so I need 5,250 in caloric deficit to lose 1.5 pounds; 5,250/7 days = 750. 3,300, what I was eating – 750, either through less caloric intake or more activity = a new total of 2,550 calories allowed per day.)
Basic math I know, but there are numerous calorie counting calculators you can find online to help. Once you get the hang of it, you will make your old math teacher proud.
#4 Weight Loss Programs Guarantee Results
All diet plans are not bad per se. In fact, I do believe that diet plans will help you lose weight... if you follow them. Which diet plan you follow is truly a matter of preference. Of course we hope you put your trust in Diet-to-Go.
My issue with diet plans “guaranteeing” weight loss is not 100% accurate. Anyone can lose weight on a diet plan. The KEY is to then keep the weight off and truthfully most diet plans are not interested in that portion of your success. For many diet plan companies, it’s far better to have a repeat customer than one who has moved on to an independent healthy lifestyle.
If your diet plan teaches you nothing while you are on it about making better healthier dietary choices once you have reached your goal, most likely you will regain the weight you have lost. You have, in essence, learned nothing. Someone else told you when to eat, what to eat and perhaps even provided the food to you without any explanation of how this is different from what you were eating or how to incorporate these types of food once your “diet” is over.
Let’s face it, no one can diet forever.
#5 By Diet Alone, I Can Lose Weight & Keep it Off!
I hate to say this, but statistically, no.
Go back to the 3,500 calorie rule. Once you have lost the weight by reducing or outputting 750 calories a day and you reach your goal weight, then what... how will you keep it off? If you go back to your old ways, then you will regain the weight.
Exercise is the key to keeping it off. People who exercise regularly not only lose weight faster, but they are more successful at keeping it off. Exercise will help increase your metabolism for the long haul and help make your body a more efficient machine.
So when you slip (and we all do) it’s a slip and not a cliff dive.
Most importantly, exercise can be as easy as walking, but remember in order for it to make an impact it has to be more of, or more difficult than what you were doing before. So, if you were walking a half hour every night and your weight stayed the same, then you will either need to make the walk more difficult (inclines, faster pace) or increase the duration (amount of time ex 45 minutes).
Remember the key to totoal wellness is DIET, FITNESS and ATTITUDE. You can achieve your goals.
The Top 5 Diet Myths
The word "diet" in and of itself has become a bad word. In truth, the word diet very simply means what we consume. With that being said, there are so many weight loss diets, tips, secrets, potions, programs and surefire concoctions out there that it’s hard to know when something may genuinely aid weight loss or is truly wishful thinking.
Here are some of my top great “diet” myths.
#1 Weight Loss is Complex
As my mom, and probably everyone else’s mom, has told them – “If something looks too good to be true, then it probably is.” Weight loss is not rocket science or akin to splitting the atom. Never let anyone tell you that it is this complex formula that can only be understood by some individuals on the 4th day of every month and only when the moon is full.
The true hard fact is that weight loss is only achieved in two ways: By consuming less (food, calorie containing beverages, etc.) or by outputting more (increased activity and exercise). That’s it.
Standing on your left foot while eating lemons will not make you lose 5 pounds overnight; jumping up and down before bed will not shake 3 pounds loose. You've got to eat less and or be more active. That’s the big secret!
#2 Everyone Can Be The Biggest Loser
Where to start… Although The Biggest Loser is a great show and I too am a fan (love Jillian), every person who needs to lose weight cannot drop 40 pounds in a week. The people on these shows have access to all sorts of things the average Joe does not.
Keep in perspective that the contestants give up their lives (their jobs, their families their hobbies) and do nothing but train, exercise and participate in some sort of activity for a good part of all hours of the day, every day… no exception. Not to mention the dietary changes that are instilled by on-site and on-call dietitians, nutritionists and countless other professionals.
The professional recommended weight loss for individuals is between 1-2 pounds per week. Not nearly as riveting as 40 pounds I know, and far less exciting to watch, but given that most of us cannot vacate our lives for 3 months to become healthier, much more doable.
#3 You Will Never Need Math in Your Life
Remember when you were in grammar school and you thought, “Oh c’mon, I am never going to use this stuff…” Well it’s true, you will need basic math to lose weight and here’s why.
Weight loss equates to calorie expenditure or reduction (see myth #1). Basically, in order to lose 1 pound of weight, you will need to cut back or expend 3,500 additional calories.
So here’s where the math comes in. You will need to assess how many calories you are consuming daily using your products dietary guidelines.
My suggestion is to chart your food for no less than 1 week. Write everything down you consume and then calculate the calories associated. Make no changes for the first week. After that then you can look at where you can make changes objectively.
For example, if I consume 3,300 calories a day and want to lose 5 pounds in 1 month then I need to reduce my calories by 750 each day. (3,300 calories consumed each day x 7 days = 23,100 calories consumed in 1 week. Remember 3,500 calories is needed to lose 1 pound per week so I need 5,250 in caloric deficit to lose 1.5 pounds; 5,250/7 days = 750. 3,300, what I was eating – 750, either through less caloric intake or more activity = a new total of 2,550 calories allowed per day.)
Basic math I know, but there are numerous calorie counting calculators you can find online to help. Once you get the hang of it, you will make your old math teacher proud.
#4 Weight Loss Programs Guarantee Results
All diet plans are not bad per se. In fact, I do believe that diet plans will help you lose weight... if you follow them. Which diet plan you follow is truly a matter of preference. Of course we hope you put your trust in Diet-to-Go.
My issue with diet plans “guaranteeing” weight loss is not 100% accurate. Anyone can lose weight on a diet plan. The KEY is to then keep the weight off and truthfully most diet plans are not interested in that portion of your success. For many diet plan companies, it’s far better to have a repeat customer than one who has moved on to an independent healthy lifestyle.
If your diet plan teaches you nothing while you are on it about making better healthier dietary choices once you have reached your goal, most likely you will regain the weight you have lost. You have, in essence, learned nothing. Someone else told you when to eat, what to eat and perhaps even provided the food to you without any explanation of how this is different from what you were eating or how to incorporate these types of food once your “diet” is over.
Let’s face it, no one can diet forever.
#5 By Diet Alone, I Can Lose Weight & Keep it Off!
I hate to say this, but statistically, no.
Go back to the 3,500 calorie rule. Once you have lost the weight by reducing or outputting 750 calories a day and you reach your goal weight, then what... how will you keep it off? If you go back to your old ways, then you will regain the weight.
Exercise is the key to keeping it off. People who exercise regularly not only lose weight faster, but they are more successful at keeping it off. Exercise will help increase your metabolism for the long haul and help make your body a more efficient machine.
So when you slip (and we all do) it’s a slip and not a cliff dive.
Most importantly, exercise can be as easy as walking, but remember in order for it to make an impact it has to be more of, or more difficult than what you were doing before. So, if you were walking a half hour every night and your weight stayed the same, then you will either need to make the walk more difficult (inclines, faster pace) or increase the duration (amount of time ex 45 minutes).
Remember the key to totoal wellness is DIET, FITNESS and ATTITUDE. You can achieve your goals.
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