Sunday, February 14, 2010

LAtest Tips on

5 Ways to Retrain Your Brain
1) Visualize Your Success
I don't mean to sound hokey but if you have no idea what success in your weight loss endeavor is supposed to look like, how will you be able to measure or even gauge whether you're making progress? Be concise and specific in your visualization and write it down so you can have a reminder with you at all times.
2) Move from Wellness Woes to Wellness Ways
If you think of your efforts to live a healthier lifestyle as a chore, then you will always be looking for the end. Pursuit of wellness has no end; there are only constant new beginnings.
So once you reach your goal, don't stop. Seek out new ways to incorporate activity, hunt for delicious new recipes, and line up new challenges.

3) Put Yourself First
There, I said it… and I'm not ashamed to tell you that we need to be self-centered when it comes to our health and wellness! We always seem to make time for everyone else in our life. We also find time for all those chores and meetings. Why can we find time for everything else but us?
The truth is that we must plant the seed in our mind that we are worth the effort. Otherwise, you set yourself up for failure. Say it and believe it -- you are worth it!
4) Ask for Help
We sometime act like it but honestly no one is a know-it-all. While you may have a great handle on the diet portion of your wellness plan, you may lack experience in the fitness arena. Or you may have great thoughts about fitness and exercise but have no idea about nutrition. And what about the whole mind/body piece?
My point: ask for help. Never ever be afraid to ask for advice from an expert. Qualified professionals in the health and wellness field can be found locally, globally, face-to-face or online. Always check credentials and do some research as you would with any doctor or health professional.
5) Attitude is Everything
I cannot emphasize this point enough! We will stumble. We will make mistakes. And we will have setbacks. These things are inevitable. Use them as learning lessons.
No one starts the path to wellness and does it right on schedule all the time. However, the biggest difference between someone who succeeds and someone who does not is their attitude and resilience.