Friday, August 13, 2010

Summer and the Wellness Break

Shhh....can you hear that? That's the sound of summer going, going and almost gone. We are now down to the last few weeks of summer and again as every year before it seems just about everyone is doing their last minute scramble to get away, get relaxed, go out and unwind before the winds of fall blow in. The one thing that stands out for me when talking to people about their "summer breaks" is that so many people also take a break from their healthy lifestyle pursuits as well. Plans are made to include "all you can eat" and destinations include places with no gym access or limited activities. So what happened here?
Ok quick story...bare with me. Recently, I was contacted by a woman interested in losing weight. Not all that out of the box, I know. The motivation behind her very specific weight loss was to facilitate her going on an all inclusive, all you can eat cruise, with the intention of eating everything she wanted. I could hear myself say, "You do realize that all you can eat does not mean all you need to eat, yes?" It was the reply that started me thinking..."Well if it's free, why wouldn't I eat it?" Needless to say we are not working together at this time.
However, my point with that story was to showcase the extreme but when we take "breaks" from our healthy lifestyle choices aren't we really doing something similar? Scheduling events that are specifically outside your wellness goals treat the journey of fitness and health as a chore that we are forcing ourselves to do every day and then need a vacation from. The goal of living a healthy lifestyle is to incorporate ways into our lives to embrace healthy options, not run from them.
While I am all about needing to reward ourselves, enjoy ourselves and relax, I am of the opinion that a healthy lifestyle and those things are not mutually exclusive. If they are, perhaps it's time to reassess the things you are doing to achieve those goals. If the activities, exercise, eating habits and spiritual pursuits are making you so unhappy or drained that you need a break from them, I would think it is time to revisit the motivations that brought you to the path in the first place.

Until next well!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Spas - Partners in the Wellness Journey?

If you are like me sometimes you need a change of pace, a door to outside the box or frankly just a recharge. Recently I have been exploring the relationship between spas and my own wellness journey. I know, coming from a fitness professional, you were expecting an exhilarating run in the mountains or 50 laps in the pool to get all fixed up. And, I admit, while exercise and fitness does provide me not only the physical stimulus and does promote my stress relief, being able to find sanctuary in fresh and new places can be transforming.
With that being said though, I must be specific about the word "spa". Spas are all over and unfortunately I think the word is overused, much like the words "wellness professional". Basically, use of the name does not necessarily go hand in hand with the connotation. When I refer to "spa" I speak of the destinations where not only are wonderful rejuvenating services offered for the body but there is a connection between the establishment, their clients and the understanding of pursuit of wellness. It may be the types of services offered, the atmosphere, the food provided or the ultimate quiet they can generate, but to me, "spa" is a greater extension of ones trying to achieve peace and balance. I have been to "spas" where the noise inside was louder than the city street. I have had "spas" seat me in a relation room next to the gym where a dance aerobics class was taking place. While I love aerobics, the heart thumping music the clients were moving to, rather coincided with my meditation.

I am certainly not disparaging any "spa" business. Instead what I hope to do in writing this is to advise you to research and choose your destination in line with what it is you are ultimately seeking to accomplish. There are many, many wellness opportunities to explore that may help you on your lifelong pursuit of being physically healthy and spiritually balanced. Spas can be rejuvenating for the body, mind and soul. They can be true wellness partners for your journey. So many spas offer wonderful nourishing services but they offer so much more in the mind/ body connection as well. So my advice, take some time for yourself and explore this great potential wellness journey partner.

Until next time - Be well and enjoy!